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Sunday, March 9, 2025

IRAs, Toasters and . . . Silence of the Lambs?!?

A lot happens in Silence of the Lambs (not to mention a clean sweep at the Oscars*). But did anyone catch the implicit reference to PTCE 93-1, lovingly referred to by many as the "toaster exemption", which allowed banks and other financial institutions to give toasters and other small incentives to people opening up IRAs and other retirement accounts? (Boy - the things that can get one in trouble in the Wonderful World of ERISA.**)

So Lauren Roselli's Stacy Hubka was being interviewed by Jodie Foster's Clarice Starling and explained: "Freddie was so happy for me when I got this job at the bank. Toaster giveaways and Barry Manilow on the speakers all day." Sure Stacy could been talking about toasters for opening regular non-retirement personal accounts. But you and I both know that she had fully researched 93-1 before her chat with Clarice and was (obviously) talking about retirement accounts.

Just sayin' . . .  

* [SPOILER ALERT - read no farther if you want to avoid key information about Silence of the Lambs] Look, it's a great movie, and obviously iconic. But, honestly, I think Se7en is the best movie of the genre. [SPOILER ALERT] And, just to say it, I really don't understand how Clarice survived in that basement.

** The reference to ERISA here includes a reference to Section 4975 of the Internal Revenue Code.

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