Monday, December 23, 2024

Wordy Gurdy - ERISA Schmarisa

Wordy Gurdy (not to be confused (or maybe indeed to be confused) with the similar sounding Donovan song) is a newspaper game that presents a clue and then asks for rhyming words that match the clue.  Examples of rhymes given by the author of the game are fat cat and double trouble.  

On December 23, 2004, I came upon the following:

Retirement IRA namer's thin soups (1)

_ _ _ _ _    _ _ _ _ _ _

The pressure was on.  If I didn't come up with this, I'd have been mortified.  Thankfully, after a brief moment of panic, I easily got to "Roth's broths".  Whew.

Before I leave the point, I want to make mention of my recollection that, as the original Roth IRA legislation went forward waaaaaaaay back in 1997, only at the very end of the process did the term "Roth IRA" get inserted.  It felt like a last-minute global replace at the direction of a man - Sen. William Roth, then Chair of the Senate Finance Committee - who saw an opportunity to establish quite the legacy for himself with this cute little change in nomenclature.  It's good to be king (as my friend Jeff L. likes to remind me).  Gotta say, though: it sure did work!!

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