Tuesday, March 23, 2021

From Spic and Span to SPAC and Spam - Maybe With an ERISA Angle?

Well, the flavor du jour is clearly special purpose acquisition companies ("SPACs").  It's becoming pretty apparent they they raise a variety of issues on the executive-compensation side, and maybe (depending on the facts) even an issue or two on the ERISA "plan assets" side. 

So as a result all I'm hearing is SPAC SPAC SPAC SPAC.  Here a SPAC there a SPAC everywhere a SPAC SPAC. 

Which got me to thinking.  Can we get Monty Python or some clever and capable third party (fair use?) to recut the incessant repeats from the Spam sketch (which, as you may or may not know, is. the reason that people refer to junk email as "spam"), but substituting "SPAC" for "Spam"?  SPAC SPAC SPAC SPAC; SPAC SPAC SPAC SPAC; etc.*  

Just a thought . . .

* We can always clean it up later with some SPAC and Spam - ooh, sorry: Spic and Span.

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